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Patient and Nurse

Support starts here.

How to select a nursing facility for your loved one. 

The decision to move a parent or loved one from their home into a nursing facility can be one of the hardest decisions families have to make.  Selecting a facility is often influenced by limited time and uncertainty.  How does a family compare, rate and ultimately select a facility?  I provide the education and support to help those who are struggling with placing a loved one into a nursing facility.

How to pay for
Long-Term Care.

Paying for Long-Term Care is expensive, but if doesn't have to be confusing.  In my presentation, you will learn the four methods of payment for nursing care.  I'll explain how Medicare, Medicaid, Long Term Care Insurance and Private Funds are used pay for service.  We'll discuss the eligibility requirements for Medicaid and understand the look-back period and countable assets in the application process.

The admission process and resident adjustment.

Once a facility has been selected and a date set for admission, events unfold quickly.  Families are often unprepared for this day.  I explain in detail the steps you need to know when admitting a loved one into a nursing facility.  We'll discuss the transition or adjustment period that residents make from their previous home to their new home.  This session brings a sense of relief and calm to families

Resolving grievances

What are the best ways for families and residents to resolve grievances?  Complaining, writing letters, calling state agencies are common ways to express your concerns.  However these may actually be counterproductive.  Learn how to present your concerns without challenging or blaming the facility or staff.  I explain to how to resole complaints and to improve the care for your loved one.

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